5 easy ways to increase Traffic although rarely posts

5 easy ways to increase Traffic although rarely posts - Posts on the blog regularly and consistently is one constraints often encountered appointed bloggers. Dont care about a new blogger or an old certainly often experience a sense of lazy, do not have an idea, dont have any inspiration or not the spirit to write a posting on her blog.
Especially for bloggers who did not have the hobby of writing back Myanmar like me, every day it feels kepengin quit blogging only.
5 easy ways to increase Traffic although rarely posts
easy ways to increase Traffic

 Indeed it s no secret if the more studious visitors usually post the blog will also increase. But even then it's not that diligent post became the only way to increase visitors to the blog.

It's not a secret anymore if the more studious visitors usually post the blog will also increase. But even then it's not that diligent post became the only way to increase visitors to the blog. PAL can still improve visitors traffic blog or at least make a stable blog visitors even though rarely posts on the blog. Tempat ngeblog this is a simple example of a blog that rarely post but almost no traffic downturn experienced visitors, even each month always has increased.

What is the secret?

Create Evergreen Content.

 Some of buddy might have heard the term "Evergreen" Content. The intent of the Evergreen Content here is a content (content = postings) that are still relavan though read when aja, easy language or content that is not easy casserole. Most of the postings on this blog are Evergreen Content which is certainly the reason why this blog traffic rise even though the stable dont ever post for weeks to months. The following are some examples of articles that can be referred to as Evergreen Content:

1. Article guide or Tutorial 
guide or tutorial Article is an article that teaches step by step to do a thing.

2. The article Definition
On this blog arguably there hasn't been this kind of article, but in the future I would like to fill this blog with more article definition. The article definition is the meaning here is an article that describes the meaning, intent or the concept of a thing. For example the topic of this blog is about blogging, then I could write an article about "what is a Blog?" Maybe my friend wondering, there's already a definition Article at Wikipedia, why make an article model this way? Indeed most of the article's definition can be found in Wikipedia, but it would be smarter if we can explain it in the style of the language itself. Because most people are lazy read Wikipedia because the style of language used is not palatable to read and hard to understand.

3. The article List
This is kind of my favorite articles, namely articles list. List articles are articles that are lists of things. Articles of this type are usually there are numbers on the title.

4. And others ...
There are many more types of other articles that could become an "Evergreen" Content. The important thing to keep in mind when it wants to make the Evergreen Content if the content is to ensure that we make many who seek it. Useless if we make postings that do not easily stale but dont there are devotees.

Update existing content

Many bloggers who consider to update our blog should publish a new post, but to update the blog can also by updating existing postings. So while dont have any ideas we can use the time we have for updating existing postings. For example, fixing a typo, making it more fully, or update the information herein. There are some benefits that can be obtained if we consistently update the posting-posting in our blog:
  •  making the postings became more quality from time to time Get a good ranking in Google because Google likes a quality article and also up to date. 
  • Of course if you've got a good ranking it will effect conferring increased visitor traffic to.

Boost Blog Promotion

The last one I think is most important but many bloggers are not very mementingkannya, that is the blog promotion. Blogging is not just a matter of how diligent posting articles on the blog, but also a question of how actively in promoting the blog. If the blog we're replenished content not easy casserole, then next we should promote that content so that more and more are read. Rather than spending the time to make new postings better time used to promote content that already exists. In my opinion the way far more effective.

Conclusion ... 

The conclusion is obvious, dude dont need to post an article blindly so that visitors to the blog. But even then it does not mean this post read after friend can simply laze for posting articles on the blog. If it is indeed able to post articles piety it will be great, but if not feel able to (for reasons that make sense) then it is better do not forced. Use ways that already I wrote above.

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